Anzhela Martsinovich

Anzhela Martsinovich


I am a humanitarian who decided to develop in the field of Front-end, because it is a very fascinating and diverse area.

At the moment I have knowledge in layout and try to make friends with Java Script)

I'm studying at Rolling Scopes school. Studying at this school is very intensive, lecturers give lectures for us 3 times a week, and besides this, we study new material on our own and do various tasks.


  1. HTML, CSS
  2. CSS preprocessors: SASS/SCSS, Less
  3. Bootstrap 4
  4. Version control: Git
  5. Methodologies: BEM
  6. Pixel perfect
  7. Responsive/adaptive design
  8. Programming languages: JavaScript basics

Code examples:


  • Online education
    • Glo Academy (courses)
    • HTML Academy
    • Codecademy
    • Codewars
  • Glo Academy (work as a mentor)
  • Self-educated


Graduated English course February 2018, language level - A2. I use the site for reading, learning grammar and listening and Simpler application on my phone for practicing English.